Episode 10: Cheezy And Darn Proud Of It


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Okay, so this week's strip is either just a tad over a day early or just a tad under a week late, depending on if you're a glass-half-empty or a glass-half-full kind of person. Let's just say that there's a reason that I'm putting my strip on the web instead of sending it to a big comic syndicate like United Media to be put in newspapers nation-wide.

Well, that and the whole I suck thing. Again, glass-half-empty, glass-half-full :)

For those that are interested, which will probably be my mother and my husband and not a whole lot else, the biggest reason that this strip is so late is that my usual "comic time" has been (hopefully temporarily) given the boot by trying to get Sam to sleep in her own bed in her own room at night now. So provided that things keep going how they are I'm going to have to work out a different time to do the strip every week, since the time I used to do it in is instead filled with chasing an in-denial, exhausted toddler fighting sleep with every molecule of her being from room to room with a Bear in the Big Blue House tape in hand.

And, of course, as I'm sure I've already mentioned, I'm a big-time slackjob ;)

--Pook! ^_^
October 15th, 2001

If you're feeling really wacky, send me EMAIL!